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Cadillac of South San Francisco

Date:  2022

Company:  Harvard Media Broadcasting, Cadillac, Capital Automotive

Google and Social Media Advertising

Illustrator and Photoshop


Cadillac Google Advertisment

Case Study

Cadillac established itself as America’s top luxury carmaker in the early 1900s as it was at the forefront of technological advances. In particular, Cadillac Of South San Francisco and Beverly Hills is a leading Cadillac dealership in California, and their dedication to providing outstanding customer service is what sets them apart from any other car dealership from Santa Monica to Sherman Oaks. 


Task: Having designed the Google ads displayed on this page for the company, I was handed the task to create a set of Facebook advertisements that is the opposite of the original template. Cadillac has a very firm template for its advertisements, all of which need to be approved through Cadillac individually before releasing. Going off the set way of things was both a scary and exciting endeavor. I asked myself how can one maintain a brand identity and simultaneously go against said identity. TASK PROCESS BELOW

Cadillac Service Advertisement
Cadillac Service Advertisement

Round One

My first concept used the Cadillac colours with the formative shapes usually incorporated into their advertisements, without the structured form. I showed it to my creative director and was told it was too safe and I completely agreed. I needed to go completely unlike the brand as possible so I could later circle back and add it in later on.

Cadillac Service Advertisement
Colour Palette

Round Two

Going in a completely different direction to shake things up, I went the opposite in all things Cadillac. I used this second round as an exercise for myself. Knowing this wouldn’t be the chosen concept, I needed to get out of my head and just have fun with it. I find it’s always easier to go crazy and pull it back than to be safe and put more into it. Instead of squares, I used circles and instead of the 3 primary colours I used a selection of bright pastels.

Cadillac Service Advertisement
Cadillac Service Advertisement

Final Round

Keeping the dark background from Round 1 and inverting the colours used in Round 2, I eventually landed on this design. The sleekness of luxury is still maintained while reverting from the traditional Cadillac look.

Colour Palette
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